Noel Castellanos
Everything Mestizo (Mestizo is a mixture or even clashing of cultures/realities forging something totally new) "...whoever is in Christ is a new creation." 2 Cor. 5:17
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
We Still Have A Dream for My Son's Friend
I just got off the phone with a friend of my son Noel, who is here in the USA as an undocumented resident with his family. He has been here since he was small and only knows life in the US, but upon graduation, is now leaving his family to go to school in Mexico because he is not able to get any financial aid to study here.
His sister is a US citizen as she was born here, and so the parents are staying here with her to ensure she gets a good education. Another family is being torn apart due to the current immigration laws.
I told this young man that many people, including myself were working hard to pass the DREAM Act and the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act. He expressed sincere thanks for our efforts and he said he was sure we would talk again after these laws were put in place.
Again, I was reminded of how personal this whole issue is, and makes me very determined to continue to do all that I can to help others see that a change in order to change our broken system.
Billy Graham Rocks in NYC
It has been amazing watching the stories of the Graham meetings in NYC. What a mestizo crowd came together to hear Billy! Reporters have been amazed by the multi-cultural make up of those who attended.
Maybe Billy's last crusade will usher in a new mestizo revival as people notice what went down in NYC. It would have been great to have been there, especially with so many New Yorkers making decisions to follow Christ.
Billy Graham still rocks!
More News
- Met with the new religion reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Margaret Ramirez, this morning to talk about possible stories involving Latino churches and leaders.
- I had a great lunch yesterday with Scott and Veronica (my sister's name) from LA, who work with Inter Varsity at state colleges where there is a higher percentage of mestizo students. We ate at Nuevo Leon and had a great time getting to know each other. We first met at the 'Day Without A Mexican' workshop at UYWI in May.
- I caught a Donna Summers concert tonight at Taste of Chicago, a huge 2 week party on the lakefront that ends right after the 4th of July. (Santana, and the Lonely Boys will give a free concert on Saturday)
- This weekend I'll be speaking at the seminary of the Americas in San Antonio, and hope to do some CCDA Institute classes there in September.
- I'm working on getting all our CCDA workshops finalized for November in Indy.
- A friend from Starbucks is going in for surgery to remove a brain tumor tomorrow; I'll be praying that it goes well.
- My 2 boys are working this Summer. This is great news!
- I'll be at Bayshore Christian Ministries next weekend in East Palo Alto, CA and will also be speaking at 2 churches for the weekend.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Georgia Takes Another Step Towards Being a Suburb of Mexico
I came across this quote as I was checking out some blogs that shows the 'Hispanic Panic' that many cities and states not know for having large Latino populations are now facing with increasing Latino growth in places like Atlanta, Georgia.
The blogger lamented that he has to press #1 for English when calling local businesses, as Spanish is quickly becoming a common option for those working to capture the Latino consumer's dollar.
Another sign of Mestizaje.